Rooms of Stokesley
Rooms of Stokesley offer an extensive range of laundry and housekeeping services. These include washing, drying, ironing, dry cleaning, and large item laundering. They also service holiday accommodation.
We last spoke with owner Jane all the way back in 2020 just a few weeks into the pandemic. Hence, we thought it was high time we caught up with Jane to find out what’s new!
Over to Jane…
Surviving the pandemic
“It has been some 3 years since we last appeared in Feature Friday. I’m pleased to say that we all thankfully survived the pandemic and Rooms was able to keep going. We came out the other side re-charged and raring to go.”
A worthwhile visit
“Since then, our corner on the Terry Dicken industrial Estate has remained virtually unchanged. Many of the same businesses are still here, with the exception of Pearsons TV and Electrical and Stonewall Leisure who arrived shortly after. These businesses compliment the client base that Rooms attracts. Therefore a visit to the park is worthwhile for our customers as much can be achieved here!”
Let’s find out what has changed in the services that Rooms offers.
Restoring former glory
“Our most recent addition is restoration work, a new service which has enabled our team to update their skills. It all came about after a father and grandson came in with a Kilt that one of their ancestors had worn in the Battle of Balaclava It was our privilege to restore it. Over the years the moths had made their mark on it adding to its previous battle scars. We stabilised the material and cleaned and restored the leather. When the customers came back to collect it, they were in tears. A proud piece of work.”
Making like new
“Alongside our laundry and housekeeping services, one of our most enjoyable new services is the cleaning of wedding dresses. A bride comes in to present her gorgeous gown having thoroughly enjoyed her big day. Oh her face as she shows us the dirt from it trailing on the ground for the lovely photos. Drinks stains apparent as guests lean over to great them with a kiss and “oops, sorry I spilt”. Then we return it like new. Cleaned and wrapped in acid free paper placed in a heritage box, to keep safe from deterioration and ready to hand down to the next in line to wear it.”
High standard cleanliness
“Rooms still looks after holiday accommodation supplying our trained staff to keep the cleanliness to a high standard, and laundering the bedding that they have obtained from our quality linen range.”
I should mention here that Rooms retail the most lovely, high standard bedding linen range. Good quality, so easy to make a bed with and at a very reasonable price. I’m a customer so I’m biased but can highly recommend it!
Anyway, back to Jane. With all of this going on, how does she juggle everything?
An absolute asset
“Since we last spoke, we welcomed a full-time manager to assist in the day to day running of Rooms. Joanne is an absolute asset, making sure all of the attention to details are taken care of. Joanne isn’t one for the limelight, preferring to just get on with what matters within our business – our customers.”
Goodbye old friend
“Ken, who worked with us for around 16 years made the decision to retire. Although we were sorry to see him go, it’s great to hear that he’s now doing his fair share of travelling. When he’s not on the move he enjoys spending time in his garden.”
Sounds idyllic! Rooms are one of the longest standing tenants on the park so let’s hear what Jane has to say about being a tenant here.
Pretty unique environment
“The Terry Dicken Business Park is part of our business and I hope we are part of theirs. Over the 20+ years we have resided in the industrial estate area, we have enjoyed the support of both Sue and Mark Dicken. It is a well cared for and maintained estate. A pretty unique environment for privately owned businesses to trade from. We would recommend other businesses (if there’s any vacant units) to join us!”
So if, like Ken, you’d prefer to be in the garden rather than slaving over a washing machine and ironing board why not let Rooms take the strain?
Rooms of Stokesley and their laundry and housekeeping services can be found at Unit 3, Terry Dicken Industrial Estate, Ellerbeck Way, Stokesley. Or visit their Facebook page
To find out if there are any vacant units available here on the Terry Dicken Business Park, call Mark on 01642 714744
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